Saturday, August 25, 2007

Adjusting Family

Hello out there!!!! Well I am still new out there in the blogging world, and still trying to figure out how to bring in comments, so just maybe i will gain some strength and introduce this blog to some of my girlfriends. Anyway, not to ramble on ;the reason for being away for soooooooo long is because i am trying to adjust my family and i to the new place we are now living. Hence the reason why I have not been blogging. I mean with my oldest baby boy starting a new school , and football, cubscout, not to mention still trying to get to know the area, with the loving joy of STILL UnPaCkInG, it has just been CRAZZZZZZZY. You may notice that some of my log in dates are back dated that is because i attempt to put them in, just to keep track for me, and never get around to putting them all in. Well enough of that, I just thought i would briefly explain. Okay readers/bloggers have a good one! Come back and visit/Comment!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Dearest Adama, I was wondering what had happened as I kept checking my feeds daily to see if you had posted anything. Anyway love, it is completely understandable, as I have been saying to other bloggers, there is never a need to apologise because life happens and it's those important things in life that fuels a lot of what we put on the blog. Good to hear you and glad to know that you and the family are settling in.

Still unpacking aarggh! Moving can be such a stress. Look forward to seeing more of your posts whenever you can make it.
