Monday, October 1, 2007

What had happen was...... camerea is broke. I have been cooking and I have no way to post my pics. After being disappointed for quit some time. I think that my camera phone might be a good sub until I can replace my lovly cmaera. I am hoping that my husband will be able to fix it. It just seems to be one thing after another, but hey i am still trying to be postivie.
On the cold side , I am happy that it ran its course through the whole family, it almost felt flu like.
I cannot seem to stay anyway now from blogging, and trust me when I say that it was soooooo sad when my baby boy broke my camera. I am crossing my fingures, that my phone will due if not i will just post the recipes and then put the pics up at a later time.
There you have it and I would like to thank everyone for the nice emails I got asking when I was planning to UPDATE.