Monday, October 1, 2007

What had happen was...... camerea is broke. I have been cooking and I have no way to post my pics. After being disappointed for quit some time. I think that my camera phone might be a good sub until I can replace my lovly cmaera. I am hoping that my husband will be able to fix it. It just seems to be one thing after another, but hey i am still trying to be postivie.
On the cold side , I am happy that it ran its course through the whole family, it almost felt flu like.
I cannot seem to stay anyway now from blogging, and trust me when I say that it was soooooo sad when my baby boy broke my camera. I am crossing my fingures, that my phone will due if not i will just post the recipes and then put the pics up at a later time.
There you have it and I would like to thank everyone for the nice emails I got asking when I was planning to UPDATE.


Cynthia said...

So sorry to hear about the camera.

Thanks for your always enthusiastic comments you leave on my blog. I'll respond to the current one soon.

Rosie said...

Hi adama,
I just had to call by and say 'hello'. So sorry to hear about your camera and I do hope you manage to sort things out soon.

Thanks for leaving your heart warming comment on my blog, it's SO nice to find *new* blogger friends :-) I will now be popping back to your wonderful blog many times.

Happy cooking Rosie x

aja said...

Well don't stop posting!!! Just put pics up later. I've posted quite a few recipes and then at a later date took pics and posted them with the recipes.

I need to get back in gear with my blog too. Thanks for your comment on the recent move.